
Where Does Money Raised For Campaigns Go Quizlet

Candidates for office often raise millions of dollars to fund their campaigns.

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In politics, money matters. That's why politicians spend so much of their time not but trying to woo voters, but besides raising coin. In the 2012 presidential ballot, President Obama, the Democratic Party and supportive outside groups raised more than $ane.1 billion in his victorious campaign; his Republican rival, Mitt Romney, his party and backers raised even more, $one.24 billion. This money is largely spent on advertisements, especially on television, which offer candidates the hazard to have their case straight to voters without whatever media filter.

Explore this commodity

1 Where Does Entrada Coin Come From?

Candidates for part -- whether for the presidency, Congress or local offices -- generally enhance money from a few different sources. The Supreme Court has ruled that candidates can spend equally much of their own money as they wish on their campaigns, which enables especially wealthy individuals to cocky-finance campaigns. They also raise money from other wealthy people. Sometimes these wealthy donors give for ideological reasons; other times, they may hope that their donations afford them prestige, power or access to elected officials. In improver, organizations and interests groups -- which sometimes form political action committees (PACs) -- donate to or spend money on behalf of favored candidates. Finally, some candidates successfully raise smaller amounts of money from large groups of people: In 2012, for instance, Obama garnered donations from 4.4 million people, and raised more than $500 million online, much of it in pocket-size dollar amounts.

2 Limits on Campaign Donations

In federal elections, in that location are no limits on how much coin candidates can spend. There are, however, restrictions on how much parties, PACs and individuals can give. Individuals, for example, can give each candidate they choose upward to $two,600 per election. PACs that support several candidates can give a maximum of $five,000; those that support just a few candidates tin but give $ii,600 per cycle to each 1.

There are also independent expenditures that PACs and other outside organizations may make. These are non straight donations to candidates, simply rather expenditures made on their behalf, either in back up of a candidate or to set on his or her opponent. There is no limit on how much these exterior groups can spend in this style.

3 How Is This Money Spent?

Entrada expenditures enable candidates -- and groups that support them -- to reach out to voters straight, through expensive television advertisements as well every bit entrada literature. Candidates also use these donations to hire staffers and create campaign organizations that help to both persuade voters to support the candidate and to make sure that voters actually get out and vote on Election Day.

iv Coin Matters

Many political scientists argue that people and the media often overestimate the impact of money on campaign success. But that doesn't mean coin isn't very of import. As the eminent political scientist John Sides has written, "The major debate is not over whether coin matters, it'south over the relative touch of incumbent and challenger spending." Campaign spending does not, for example, persuade Democrats to catechumen to Republicans, or vice versa. But it does enable candidates to educate voters on positive aspects of their candidacy and personality, equally well as negative aspects of their opponents. In congressional races especially, this helps challengers offset the incumbency advantage, or the benefit that current officeholders have in seeking reelection due to voters' familiarity with them through casework and local media appearances.

Writing in "The New Republic," political scientist Jonathan Bernstein says: "More generally, campaigns and campaign spending are only i of the things that touch how we feel about the candidates, which (remember) is merely 1 factor in determining how nosotros vote."

Virtually the Author

Jeffrey Billman is both an experienced and accomplished journalist with national awards for everything from investigative reporting to organized religion reporting to sense of humor and opinion columns. A student of government and politics, he holds a master's degree in public policy analysis.


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